In loving memory of those we have lost

Patricia Araujo

Patricia Araujo was born on March 11, 1982 and died on July 6, 2019. Patricia was 37 years old at the time of death.

Patricia Araujo – Biography

Patrícia Araújo (also known as Patrícia Oliveira) (assigned Felipe Silva de Araújoat birth, 11 March 1982) is a Brazilian actress and model. Araújo is also a former pornographic actress.
Araújo was born into a middle-class family in Governador Island (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil. At 12, Araújo kissed a classmate inside the public school where she studied. This event generated rumours that came to the school board’s attention, and Araújo was persecuted by the supervisor. Thinking that the employee’s intention was only to help her, Araújo confessed she was gay. As a result, she was expelled from school in 1997 while in seventh grade.

After the incident, Araújo confessed to her parents, Severino Araújo and stay-at-home Terezinha Araújo, both evangelicals, that she saw herself as a woman, not a man, and was attracted to males. Her older brother, whose name she does not disclose, wanted her to be expelled from the house because of it, but her parents supported her.
In 2009 Araújo was featured in Rio Fashion Week. She has also worked as an actress in the miniseries A Lei e o Crime and the telenovela Luz do Sol, both of the Brazilian television network Rede Record. In April 2009 she posed along with the model Pamela Sanches, for the magazine A Gata da Hora.

Personal Info

Stage Name Patricia Araujo
Profession(s) Actress
Birthday March 11, 1982
Death July 6, 2019
Birthplace Ilha do Governador, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Years Active 1999-2005 (Started around 17 years old)
Height 5 feet, 10 inches (178 cm)
Weight 143 lbs (65 kg)
Tattoos Butterfly on left side of lower abdomen
Piercings Navel
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